Sunday, November 12, 2006

F5 and Remembrances

I was writing a piece on fathers and leadership in Saudi Arabia but I haven't gotten around to finish it given my current workload. I'll post it sometime within the week.

In the meantime, while I'm sure the rest of this post has nothing to do with him, this is for my father, Conrado T. de Guzman, who passed away on November 10 thirteen years ago.

My father was an ordinary man who came from the humblest of roots. In his particular way, he never made his poverty or lack of opportunities an excuse to stop him from accomplishing what he did. I also learned from him never to take crap from anybody. He made me believe that anything was possible, and while of course life has educated me otherwise, I still believe that we are all destined for greatness.

All it takes is for us to get in touch with our own selves and learn to tap into the Infinite.

For me, there is no such thing as getting over his death. Each day I live is in his honor, and for that, I would rather leave the wound in my being unhealed.

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I didn't like this week's edition, so I'm posting a Friday Five posted on my birthday, which was the F5 for October 6, 2006.

1. If you could have a super power, which one would you have? I'd like the mental powers as written by Julian May. The particular metapsychic powers I would like best are creativity and redaction.

2. What would be your supername? None. I'd maintain my true identity hidden and no one would know my "super-intervention." Besides, I'd cringe at the thought of having to wear a super-costume!

3. Who would be your arch-nemesis and what would be their superpower? The natural antithesis would be someone who could protect himself/herself from mental manipulation. Also, someone with super-strength. And in Ms. May's fantasy universe, my natural antithesis would be a coercive psychokinetic.

4. Who would be your sidekick and would they have a superpower? I'd rather be the sidekick, actually. I'd back up a guy with flight, super-strength or an energy-based power.

5. What would be your motto? My powers of self-mockery are relatively difficult to stretch, so a super-motto would be taking the fantasy too far.

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